Book, product, and shop recommendations
Recommended Reading
Witch Books, general
Curious about the books I recommend for traditional/folkloric Witches? Check out my list (with Amazon links)! Easy.
Red Thread Academy book lists
Are you a Red Thread Academy student who is looking for a mega-list that rounds up ALL of the books mentioned in ALL of the lessons? Download this free and easy PDF of titles.
Magic & Paganism books
You know my own interests in magic and paganism run both broad and deep. If you’re looking for my recommendations on divination, herbalism, Celtic lore, Greek lore, Thelema, ceremonial magic, Goddess-spirituality, and more — click this link!
Aphrodisian Books
What books do I recommend for a student of Aphrodisian studies? Check out my list.
Temple of Aphrodite Asteria book lists
Are you a student in the Temple of Aphrodite Asteria who is looking for a mega-list that rounds up ALL of the books mentioned in ALL of the lessons? Well, this list is still in-progress, but I will add to it as new courses are released.
Pagan Home Education books
Some of these books are written for Pagan families, some are homeschooling basics, and some cover specific teaching methods and philosophies.
Recommended Supplies and Suppliers
Aphrodisian Tools & Supplies
What sorts of tools and gear do you need for your Aphrodite practice? None at all! But if you like to have a few things for ceremony and devotion, let me point you in the direction of some of my favorites.
RTA Tools & Supplies
You can do this work with only your body, mind, and spirit! No tools required. Of course, there are a few tools that you might enjoy, and several that are common within a given Tradition. The Spiral Castle Trad tends to use a few. Having trouble finding something you need? Check out my recommendations.
Favorite Shops
I have a few go-to suppliers for herbs, tools, art, crafting supplies, and more. I’m happy to share these amazing artists, artisans, and vendors with you!